Leviathan Harvest: foreground Leviathan Harvest: midground

Demons, Gods and Guns

The seven immortal houses that rule the core worlds have gone silent. As order begins to shatter, feral spirits crawl from the shadows no longer afraid of the light.

The Ark Star

Within the center of galactic civilization shines the Arc, a massive crystalline star whose light repels the forces of chaos. At the farthest reaches beyond the Ark’s influence is Light’s Edge. The boundary between the known and unknown where sinister forces gather to extinguish the Ark and devour the galaxy. Will you stop them?

You are a Fatecaster.

Chosen by Fate, you are able to manipulate threads of destiny to change the world in subtle ways. With this power, comes a curse, as dark forces hunt you to claim it for themselves.

Every Fatecaster is a collection of attributes, tags, gear and abilities but the legend you forge across the stars is yours alone.

Stars brimming with life

The galaxy has no shortage of varied life, many of whom aren’t total jerks. To name a few, the diminutive Widgyn, who keep their brains in massive books; the tragic Gore’bak, who are doomed to die the second they reach fifty cycles. And the domineering Ku’gari, who remain convinced they are superior despite the collapse of their empire. Each race has their own drives, cultures, and conflicts which weave together to make a vivid tapestry.

Gallery of Villainy